Recent Security Class Actions

Compass Minerals Intl Inc Common Stock (NYSE: CMP)

Company Name:Compass Minerals Intl Inc Common Stock
Stock Symbol:NYSE: CMP
Class Period Start:11/29/2023
Class Period End (inclusive):03/22/2024
Filing Deadline:06/23/2024

According to the Complaint, Compass Minerals International, Inc. describes itself as “a leading global provider of essential minerals focused on safely delivering where and when it matters to help solve nature’s challenges for customers and communities. [. . .] The Company’s next-generation fire retardants help to slow, stop and prevent wildfires through the use of high-performing and environmentally friendly products.”

The Complaint alleges that Defendants throughout the Class Period made materially false and/or misleading statements and/or failed to disclose that: (1) Compass Minerals overstated the likelihood that it would be awarded a renewed U.S. Forest Service contract for the use of its proprietary magnesium chloride-based aerial fire retardants for the 2024 fire season, as a result of safety issues presented by its fire retardant; (2) Compass Minerals materially overstated the extent to which testing had confirmed that its fire retardants were safe; and (3) as a result, Defendants' statements about its business, operations, and prospects were materially false and misleading and/or lacked a reasonable basis at all times.