Prosperity Bancshares, Inc. (NASDAQ: PRSP)
Company Name:Prosperity Bancshares, Inc.
Stock Symbol:NASDAQ: PRSP
Class Period Start:01/27/2021
Class Period End (inclusive):04/16/2021
Filing Deadline:06/15/2021
On April 2, 2021, Perspecta filed a Schedule 14A Definitive Proxy Statement with the SEC. The Complaint alleges that the Proxy, which recommends that Perspecta stockholders vote in favor of the Proposed Transaction, omits or misrepresents material information concerning, among other things: (a) the Company’s financial projections and the financial analyses supporting the fairness opinions provided by the Board’s financial advisors; (b) the background of the Proposed Transaction; and (c) potential conflicts of interest faced by the Board's financial advisors and Company insiders.