C2C CrowdFunding, Inc. (US TRADING VENUE: CRWD)
According to the Complaint, CrowdStrike Holdings, Inc. is a global cybersecurity company that provides software that helps prevent data breaches. CrowdStrike's customers are major corporations across several industries including airlines, banks, hospitals, and telecommunications providers as well as government entities.
Beginning on July 19, 2024, investors learned about critical issues with CrowdStrike's technology when a single update pushed by CrowdStrike caused outages for millions of users of Microsoft Windows devices worldwide, including financial institutions, government entities, and corporations (the "CrowdStrike Outage"). Further, CrowdStrike disclosed that the outages had left users vulnerable to potential hacking threats.
The Complaint alleges that throughout the Class Period, Defendants repeatedly touted the efficacy of the Falcon platform while assuring investors that CrowdStrike's technology was "validated, tested, and certified." The Complaint further alleges that these statements were false and misleading because Defendants had failed to disclose that: (1) CrowdStrike had instituted deficient controls in its procedure for updating Falcon and was not properly testing updates to Falcon before rolling them out to customers; (2) this inadequate software testing created a substantial risk that an update to Falcon could cause major outages for a significant number of the Company's customers; and (3) such outages could pose, and in fact ultimately created, substantial reputational harm and legal risk to CrowdStrike.